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Vinyl Records Have Outsold CDs For The First Time Since The 80s!

2020 has been full of surprises and heartbreak so I thought maybe some good news would be welcome.

Now this isn’t exactly news to us, but it’s interesting to see the data. According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), this year will be the first time vinyl records outsells CDs since we all had really big hair, rolled up the cuffs of our jeans, wore Adidas & Nike, and acid washed jeans were the shit… wait… I think we’re completely reliving the 80s. Anyway… This report is really cool and states: “Vinyl album revenues of $232m were 62% of total physical revenues, marking the first time vinyl exceeded CDs for such a period since the 1980s.” At #AmarillosFunkyLittleRecordStore we have very similar sales data. Vinyl Record sales are around 70% of our physical music sales with CDs making up most of the rest (We still sell some 8-Tracks from time to time). Let’s hope that this trend continues as the average person begins to realize just how awesome physical music is - especially vinyl records!


2818 SW 6th Ave, Amarillo, TX 79106

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